Cybersecurity Solutions: Your Business Needs an Upgrade

padlock on laptop keyboard

Most modern businesses recognize the world’s transition to a digital landscape and the importance of updating their networks to stay competitive in saturated markets.

It’s wise to invest in state-of-the-art digital devices and business and marketing optimization programming but those investments must also include up-to-date, advanced, and comprehensive cybersecurity.

In recent years we’ve seen the devastating results of cyberattacks on SolarWinds Orion and Log4j. And in 2022, in the top ten data breaches alone, cybercriminals obtained unauthorized access to the personal data of about 320.8 million consumers.

A cyberattack on your business could cost you millions, if not ruin you. With cybercriminals’ attacks becoming highly sophisticated, businesses must invest in modern, armored cybersecurity.

2022 Cyberattack Stats

The 2022 statistics also show that cyberattack sophistication is developing faster than what current cybersecurity measures are capable of matching, in part to the 435% increase in ransomware attacks in 2020 and a worldwide gap of 3 million cyber professionals.

 In 2022, the three industry sectors most targeted and affected by cyberattacks:

  1. Healthcare
  2. Public Sector
  3. Technology

For more detailed information regarding the 2022 data breach causes and consequences, view the IBM report, “Cost of a Data Breach 2022,” covering information regarding:

  • Industry Insights,
  • Cloud Vulnerabilities,
  • Increased Costs’ Key Factors,
  • Initial Attack Vectors (cyberattack methods),
  • And more.

What Is a Cyberattack?

Unauthorized third parties (e.g., black hat hackers) are the malicious forces behind cyberattacks. The third-party aims to access confidential, personal, and account information or install malware.

These data breaches can be devastating for your business, with consequences like:

  • Significant Financial Losses
  • Damaged Reputation
  • Adverse Effects on Customer Trust
  • Customer Loss

There are various types of cyberattacks leading to data breaches. Some of these attacks include, but are not limited to:


Malicious software viruses, including viruses like:


An attacker impersonates a trusted contact to send emails with malicious links or attachments that, when opened, provide access to personal and account information.

In recent years, new types of phishing attacks have popped up:

  • Vishing (voice)
  • Smishing (SMS)
  • Quishing (QR Code)

Password Attack

The attacker cracks an individual’s password via various programs and tools. Types of password attacks include:

  • Brute Force Attack
  • Keylogger Attack

Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attack

The infiltration of a two-party communication line (e.g., a session between a client and the communication line host) cuts off the client-server communication, so the communication line goes through the attacker.

Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks

This attack aims to slow or shut down websites hosted on systems, servers, or networks, posing significant business risks.

Attackers flood the systems, servers, or networks with traffic to exhaust resources and bandwidth, adversely impacting a business’s website.

Business Cybersecurity Best Practices

Start by following the “NIST Cybersecurity Framework.” NIST is the National Institute of Standards and Technology at the U.S. Department of Commerce. Its framework consists of five phases:

  1. Identify – compile all equipment, software, and data and enforce a company-wide cybersecurity policy.
  • Protect – create protocols to protect the integrity of your network, update cybersecurity software regularly, and more.
  • Detect – constantly monitor your devices, network, and software for unusual activity.
  • Respond – create a plan in the case of a cyberattack.
  • Recover – take the necessary steps to maintain the health of your network and keep your employees and customers informed.

You may also take tips from the NIST “Cybersecurity Basics” and “Data Breach Response Guide.”

Protect Your Business with CC3 Cybersecurity Solutions

As a CC3 Solutions client, you can select the solutions that best suit your business for customized and flexible service.

The best thing about working with us is that we’ll manage your security services, which range from end-point security to security and event management (SIEM). This comprehensive threat management solution decreases your business’s risk of falling victim to a cyberattack by preemptively:

  • Detecting,
  • Analyzing,
  • And Responding to Security Threats.

Cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated, and incident rates are increasing. Contact us today to integrate cybersecurity solutions into your business’s network infrastructure.